Our promised check-in time is 4pm.
As frequent travelers, we know how convenient it is when your lodging provider is flexible in
offering early check-in. When the schedule permits, we are very happy to grant you early access to
your home. This will be subject to the schedule of the departing guests and our housekeeping team.
Since we often receive last-minute bookings, we can’t guarantee an early check-in before the day
prior to arrival. However, we will keep you updated on our guest schedule so you can plan
In the event that you will arrive in Seattle before the home is ready for you, we are happy to
arrange to securely store your bags so you can enjoy the city unencumbered by luggage until your
home is available. We can also phone or text you as soon as the housekeeping crew has completed
their work. Please let us know if you would like such an arrangement.